Important part of our life - "Peoples"


Our whole life revolve around people ! people! and people!
the main reason of why we are feeling so nonplussed, why we are depressed, why we always crave for success is, because of thinking about others.

Because of constantly thinking about other people ,we are standing in the same position at which we were before, even after being so industrious.

These people are not necessarily selfish, egoistic, superstitious and  ostentatious.
Its depends on our perception towards them, our thinking towards them. 

We envy others, we just care about what they have that we don't have,
And this idea messes up your thinking
Sometimes it's good that you are competing with others but it is not right to compete everywhere. 

With this, you stop yourself from taking steps  towards your success. 
So stop always walking according to the views of others, according to the dictates of others, according to the paces of others. 

Just go where you want to go ,without following the steps of others. 
There is no place in the entire world where no one intrude in your life, 
It's totally depends on you how will you restrict them from snooping in your world. 

Some lines for you ;-

Think as much as you can,
BUT..., about your plans first,
Not, about the plans of that fuckers' band,
About... what you can hold in your hand,
Not about,
what is their, in others hand. 

Avoid them, as much as you can,
Make their entry, in your life ban,
You just focus, on your plan,
Just on your plan.

 They all are not your friend,
Some of them however, pretend,
But you don't need to bend.
Not really!!

Hope so you got to know, what others' matters to us, and what we matter to them.

So the quintessence of all these is:
Don't follow others and even
Don't let others follow you,
And remember if we doesn't like others obtrude in our life
We also have to stop doing that......


One can't control or stop the sufferings of others, the pain of others, as it happens as per their fate You can understand that, you can...